Paddle with us

How do I get involved?

We're always looking for new members to join our friendly and growing club! We run regular courses to introduce people to paddling, and this is the main point of entry to the club. Once you've completed our Beginner Course, you'll have the basic skills to control the boat and can come along on club trips, join in on the regular paddles on Wednesdays and Sundays, and generally have fun on the water with us! Passing the course will also get you a nationally-recognised British Canoeing Discover Award! Please note that all novice paddlers must attend one of our beginner courses.  If you're already a competent paddler, please see below for how to join.

What about kids?

Glad you asked! Our legendary Junior Paddle Club is the best, wettest, and most fun way to get them on the water! Running every Tuesday evening from May to October, our fully qualified and insured leaders will make sure your child has the absolute best time they can. There's a one-off training fee of £45, plus annual membership fees of £36, and a British Canoeing fee of £30 - there are no extra or weekly charges. We provide boats and watercraft of all kinds, paddles, and safety equipment, together with high staffing ratios and bundles of laughter. See our calendar for dates and to book your spaces!

How do I book a course?

All the courses are listed on our Calendar page. Choose a date that suits you and click on the course to access the sign-up form. Our courses consist of 8 hours of coaching, either in 4 x 2-hour sessions, 2 x 4-hour sessions, or a one-day session. They currently cost £65 for adults and £45 for children. (That's just £65/£45 for the whole course - not £65/£45 each session!) Click here to see a list of courses currently planned.

Who can join the courses?

Anybody! We regularly teach paddlers from 8 to 80 years old, and also have facilities for disabled paddlers.  Our Clubhouse has both male & female changing rooms (with warm showers), and we have a wide variety of equipment that can be borrowed. Most of our courses are for mixed ages with a minimum age of 8, although some sessions - particularly all-day courses - may have different age limits. This will be clearly listed on the individual course details. For kids, our legenday Junior Paddle Club is the best way to get them on the water, having fun, and confident in a canoe or kayak. See our Calendar page for more details. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.  

What if I've paddled before?

Of course, if you're already a competent paddler, you're welcome to join in straight away - just get in touch and we'll arrange for you to meet one of our coaches. They'll take a quick look at your basic skills - getting in and out of the boat, paddling forward, turning, and stopping - and then sign you off to join the club. You can see our membership options here.

What kinds of paddling do you do?

Maidstone Canoe Club runs an active programme of events in lots of paddling disciplines and offers coaching, leadership, and progression in all of them. We do a lot of touring, we've got a successful racing team, we go sea kayaking a fair amount, we've got a very active whitewater section, some excellent canoeists, and a growing number of SUP paddlers. Progression in these is coordinated by our Coaching Development Group, who support new and existing coaches at the Club. You can read more about these and discover how to get involved by following the links or checking out the "Club" menu at the top of this page.

Who runs the courses?

All our courses are run by one of our friendly, fully-qualified coaches. They're all volunteers, and love to share their passion for paddlesport. Coaching at Maidstone Canoe Club is coordinated by our Coaching Development Group. Our coaches all have valid DBS checks and first aid qualifications, and participate in a programme of continual professional development, ensuring we are always delivering current best practice.

What do I need to bring?

Mostly, just enthusiasm and a good sense of humour! We provide boats and paddles, together with buoyancy aids and other safety equipment. We will be outdoors, so wear appropriate clothing for the weather, and please bring a change of clothes and a towel, just in case! If you're on an all-day course, then you'll also need a packed lunch and perhaps warm clothes at lunchtime. We've got a helpful "What to Wear" guide here - please do read it before your course!.